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(ages 3, 4, 5)
Number Sense
Operations, Patterns, Variables
- Rote counting to 10
- Recognizes numerals to 10
- Counts objects to 10 with one-to-one correspondence
- Makes marks to represent numbers or equations
- Recognizes patterns
- Extends single variable patterns
Geometry and Measurement
- Recognizes basic shapes
- Builds basic shapes
- Draws circles
- Sorts objects by one attribute
- Compares relative size of objects (bigger, smaller, equal, etc...)
- Uses descriptive language (size, speed, temperature, etc...)
Statistics and Probability
- Collects and counts objects or data
- Contributes data to a pictorial graph
(ages 5, 6, 7)
Number Sense
Operations, Patterns, Variables
- Rote counting to 100
- Counts objects beyond 20 with one-to-one correspondence
- Compares and orders numbers to 100
- Groups units into sets of ten
- Uses a combination of tens and ones to build two digit numbers
- Recognizes, interprets and records addition equations
Geometry and Measurement
- Combines 2-D shapes to form different shapes
- Sorts objects by 2 or more attributes
- Uses language to describe relative location (above, below, beside, etc...)
- Recognizes symmetry
- Measures length, width and height using non-standard units
- Uses time vocabulary (yesterday, today, tomorrow)
Statistics and Probability
- Adds information to graphs and charts
- Compares and contrasts findings
©1998 University Child Development School and Bonnie Campbell Hill. No part of the Continuum may be reproduced or used without written permission of University Child Development School. Continuum adapted by University Child Development School with permission from Bonnie Campbell Hill.