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Uses repeated addition to multiply

Math Vitamins:

Ages 3-6

Adding Data Multiple Times

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook This afternoon we are going have Investigation inspired by the work we have done this week on poll and graph making. This morning let's start with the poll you took for homework.

Find your Polling for More Data sheet and use some of the strategies you discovered yesterday to make some predictions about your data. What if you doubled the number of people and they answered in the exact same way? What would the total number of each response be? What if you tripled it?

Write an equation for each column. Be sure to label your answers too!

Adding a Value Over Number of Years Lived

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook Dandelion seeds are carried away by the wind and travel like tiny parachutes. A strong wind can carry the parachutes miles away from the parent plant. A dandelion is really many tiny flowers bunched together. After a dandelion blooms, each of its tiny flowers produces a seed. Each seed is attached to a stem with white fluffy threads.

When you make a wish and blow on a dandelion, you are INFLUENCING the spreading of these little seeds. Not every seed however lands in a place where it can grow.

Let's pretend you blow on one dandelion for every year you have lived. Check in with a teacher to see how many seeds from each stem land in a fertile spot and grow into a new flower. How many flowers grow due to your INFLUENCE?

How Many Burrs On Mice?

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook "Ouch! That really hurts," cried Juniper Mouse.
"You've got burrs in your furs," Jasper Mouse replied. "A burr is like a hitch-hiking seed, clinging to your fur, traveling to a new destination. Some people think it was the inspiration for velcro. Pretty seed-sational, don't you think?"
"Look, you have some too Jasper," Juniper noticed.

Juniper, Jasper, Jack, Jen, Jane, Janet, and Jose each have the same number of burrs, stuck to their furrs. See a teacher to find out how many burrs are on each Mouse. How many burrs are on the mice all together?

Ages 6-8

Calculating Totals from Daily Amount

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook On average, kids at UCDS drink 28 ounces of water each day. How many ounces of water do you drink in a school week? On the weekend? How many ounces does our class drink in a day? Record your findings using equations, words and drawings.

Multiple Trips Up Ladder

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook We've been building treehouse ladders for the past two days, thinking of the number of units it takes to build a ladder.

Now it's time to think about traveling on the ladders themselves. Choose a ladder you've designed this week. Imagine you need to travel up and down the ladder, probably to do some work on the treehouse.

Find the number of steps on your ladder. How many steps will you take if you go up and down a ladder once? What about two trips? Five? Record your discoveries!

Cost of Soup for Class

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook Day 1: Good morning, recipe writers! Now that your soup recipes are perfected, it's time to shop for ingredients! We are going to place one big order, so we need to figure out how much of each ingredient to order.

Help our class shop by conducting a classroom poll to find out what ingredients are on friends' recipe cards. We need an accurate count, so be sure to collect data from everyone, and be careful to only collect data once from each person. Please use the graphs below to record your findings!

Day 2: You've gathered your data, now it's time to crunch some numbers! We need to submit a budget for approval before we order all of the soup supplies. Use the information you found out Wednesday's poll of the class to calculate the total cost for each soup ingredient (and even the total cost to buy all of the ingredients for everyone's soup combined).

Carrots- 15¢, potatoes- 20¢, celery- 3¢, peas- 18¢, kidney beans- 45¢, green beans- 54¢, corn- 67¢, chicken- $1.00, noodles- $1.15, squash- 34¢, barley-18¢, beef- $1.25, tomato- 71¢, Lentils-2¢, onions- 85¢, wild rice- 71¢, garlic- 90¢, radishes- 25¢, mushrooms- 75¢, asparagus- 34¢, sweet potato- 20¢

Math Continuum > Expanding > Uses repeated addition to multiply