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Groups units into sets of ten

Featured Math Vitamins:

Putting Beans in Groups of 10

In this Math Vitamin, students take inventory at the bean shop, grouping beans into sets of ten to determine how many are present.

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Story:The bean shop is having quite the quandary! We ran through those beans so quickly that they need to reorder at the bean shop. First, we need to take inventory of how many different beans we have. Take a scoop, sort them by variety, and record how many of each bean you have!

Suggested manipulatives: A variety of dried beans, if possible. Otherwise, use centimeter cubes in a large bowl and create a key stating what type of bean is represented by each color.

Prep time: Shopping for beans could require a special trip to the store. Otherwise, 10 minutes to create a bowl of centimeter cube beans and a key for bean names.

Classroom time: Asking children to do their best work for each Math Vitamin assumes that some children will need a longer time than others. Ideally you want to offer a block of time for Math Vitamin projects and have another task available (writing, free exploration. etc.) for those students who finish work prior to their peers. For this project allow 20-45 minutes for students to work through all the steps.

How to individualize/stretch: Your goal with this Math Vitamin is to get children to begin grouping items by tens. You may still have some students who are working on beginning counting. For them, put several beans in front of them and ask them to count and document the color categories of those beans on their Math Vitamin sheet. For those needing a stretch, have them take several scoops of beans, sort by bean type (using the key), count, make trades for each type of bean and document how many of each type of bean. Next, they can recombine all the beans together and count the total by tens, hundreds, etc...

Rolling to a Dollar

In this Math Vitamin, students are collecting pennies to help Read Aloud character Humphrey the Hamster buy a plane ticket for a friend. Holding dollar bills is much easier for the paws of a hamster, so students roll a die to collect 10 pennies. With each group of ten, the student makes a trade for a dime.

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Story: "SAVING-SAVING-SAVING! Oh, how I wish to save up enough money to bring Ms. Mac back for a visit. It's hard to buy a plane ticket with sunflower seeds!"

Good thing Humphrey has been scouring the school for lost pennies, but it's hard to keep track of all his heavy coins with such little paws. He has asked for our help to exchange his pennies for dollar bills. He knows there are 10 pennies in a dime and ten dimes in a dollar.

Using a die, help him earn 100 pennies. Each time you get 10 pennies, you can trade for a dime. Then trade your ten dimes for a dollar! He'll be one step closer to seeing Ms. Mac again!

Inspired by The World According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney; Puffin, 2005

Go to related Common Core State Standards:

Math Vitamins:

Ages 3-6

Recreate Whole from Parts

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook "Oh no! I really wanted to use all orange boards to build this house, but there's been an orange board shortage at the lumber yard!" said Bush E. Tail.

"Not to worry, Bush E. Tail. There are a lot of combinations of smaller boards that equal the orange- sized board," replied Smart T. Pants.

Use these blueprints to determine which boards they can use in place of the orange boards. Build, draw and write an equation for your solution.

Make 10-20 with Cuisinaire Rod Combos

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook "Whew! I'm stuffed!" exclaimed Grant the Ant after 10 bites of veggies on Friday. "Not me," responded Antsy Nancy. "I ate 20 and feel like I could still eat a"

Use color rods to figure out some 10-bite combinations for Grant. For example, Grant could eat one light-green pear, one red beet and a yellow squash (3 bites + 2 bites + 5 bites = 10 bites). What 20-bite combinations could Nancy eat?

Planting Rows of 10

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook The folks at Oxbow Farm are excited to share the fall harvest with us when we visit on Thursday. In the spring, they planted a pumpkin patch with seeds of different varieties. Over the summer, the plants grew vines, leaves and flowers and eventually, the fabulous fruit we know as PUMPKINS sprouted, swelled and ripened.

Let's have some fun planting our own pumpkin patches for Math Vitamin. Our field design calls for rows with 10 seeds in each. Grab a handful of seeds and get planting! How many full rows can you plant? How many seeds are left over? Build, draw and record your pumpkin patch. Happy planting!

Grouping by 10s & 100s

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook Wow! Jack's giant beanstalk is bursting with beans! Jack and his mom harvested so many beans that they are taking orders from their neighbors near and far. For easy delivery, please help them package the beans into pods and crates. These magic beans fit ten beans to a pod, and ten pods to a crate. Grab your sheet and find a teacher to get your orders for the morning!

Math Continuum > Developing > Groups units into sets of ten