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Reads, interpets and discusses information on simple graphs and charts

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Math Vitamins:

Ages 6-8

Mealworm Data

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook On Friday we began to graph our poll data showing what activities we would like to have incorporated into future investigations. A graph is a picture that shows us information quickly. Below is a bar graph, put on your detective hat and sleuth out what this graph is representing.

What makes this graph easy to understand? What do the lines look like? Where do you put labels? What is an effective title? How is color used?

Great job, Detectives! Using your findings, apply what you have noticed to your own bar graph final draft. Happy graphing!

Mealworm Data - Stages of Life

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook Over the past couple weeks you've watched your mealworms transform from larva to pupa and in some cases into beetles. Now, let's dig a little deeper. Before our mealworms headed back to Science, teachers took note of how many were in each stage of life. Using your knowledge of graphs, what can you find out about our mealworm populations from the graph below?

USA Mealworm Data

| Download Math Vitamin :   PDF   Notebook It is time to apply your skills to a much larger scale.  Yesterday we looked at our school mealworm populations. Many states across the USA have calculated their mealworm populations and compiled the numbers into a single bar graph.  Analyze the graph and share your findings.  

Math Continuum > Beginning > Reads, interpets and discusses information on simple graphs and charts